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Academic Positions

Postdoctoral Researcher, Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholm University
Wallander Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Finance, Stockholm School of Economics

Affiliations and Visiting Positions

Distinguished CESifo Affiliate, Munich, Germany
Research Affiliate, IZA, Bonn, Germany
Associate of the Department of Economics, Harvard University

Research Breaks

Investigator, Coronakommissionen, The Swedish COVID-19 Commission (April 2021–February 2022).



Ph.D. in Economics, Stockholm School of Economics

Thesis title: “Education & Replication”. 105 ECTS coursework.

Supervisor: Prof. Tore Ellingsen. Faculty Opponent: Prof. Katrine V. Løken.

Research Intern, Sveriges Riksbank (2017)

Visiting Ph.D. Student, Stanford University (2015)

M.Sc. in Economics, Stockholm School of Economics, M.Sc.–Ph.D. parallel enrollment
B.Sc. in Business & Economics, Stockholm School of Economics


Altmejd, Adam et al. “Inequality and COVID-19 in Sweden: Relative Risks of Nine Bad Life Events, by Four Social Gradients, in Pandemic Vs. Prepandemic Years.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (46): e2303640120.
Altmejd, Adam, Joacim Rocklöv, and Jonas Wallin. “Nowcasting COVID-19 Statistics Reported with Delay: A Case-Study of Sweden and the UK.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (4): 3040.
Altmejd, Adam et al. “O Brother, Where Start Thou? Sibling Spillovers on College and Major Choice in Four Countries.” Quarterly Journal of Economics 136 (3): 1831–86.
Altmejd, Adam et al. “Predicting the Replicability of Social Science Lab Experiments.” PLOS ONE 14 (12): e0225826.
Camerer, Colin F. et al. “Evaluating the Replicability of Social Science Experiments in Nature and Science Between 2010 and 2015.” Nature Human Behaviour 2 (9): 637–44.
Camerer, Colin F. et al. “Evaluating Replicability of Laboratory Experiments in Economics.” Science 351 (6280): 1433–36.
Munafo, Marcus R. et al. “Using Prediction Markets to Forecast Research Evaluations.” Royal Society Open Science 2 (10): 150287.

Working Papers

Altmejd, Adam. “Inheritance of Fields of Study.” Working Paper 11113. CESifo.
Winner of the Distinguished CESifo Affiliate Award 2023.
Altmejd, Adam, Thomas Jansson, and Yigitcan Karabulut. “Business Education and Portfolio Returns.” Discussion Paper 16976. IZA.

Work In Progress

Estimating The Heterogeneity of Long-Run Returns to Swedish Higher Education

University education, political participation, and prosocial behavior with Luis Cornago Bonal and José Montalban

University education and health with Andreas Diemer

Inequality in College Applications: Evidence from Three Continents with Andrés Barrios-Fernández, Aspasia Bizopoulou, Martti Kaila, Rigissa Megalokonomou, José Montalban, Christopher Neilson, Sebastian Otero, and Xiaoyang Ye

How does access to role models impact sterotypical beliefs about STEM education? with Andrew Funck, Mona Mensmann, Ali Mohammadi, Karl Wennberg, and Thomas Åstebro

Do engineering schools foster innovation? with Daniel Metzger and Michael Böhm

The Formation of Prosocial Preferences in the Field with David Birke and Egon Tripodi

Heterogeneity in COVID-19 morbidity and mortality with Evelina Björkegren, Arizo Karimi, Torsten Persson, and Olof Östergren


Professor Tore Ellingsen

Primary Supervisor • • +46 8 736 92 60

Professor Katrine V. Løken

Dissertation Opponent • • +47 41 66 15 91

Professor Colin F. Camerer

Co-author • • +1 (626) 395-4054

Professor Christopher A. Neilson

Co-author •

Professor Carina Mood

PI • • +46 8 16 25 86

Professor Torsten Persson

PI • • +46 8 16 30 66

Awards and Grants

The Kamprad Family Foundation. STEM role-models and gender stereotypical beliefs. Co-applicant, 3.2MSEK.
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Lennart ”Aktiestinsen” Israelssons foundation. STEM role-models and gender stereotypical beliefs. Co-applicant, 1.8MSEK.
Riksbankens Jubileumsfond. A research program about COVID-19. Infrastructure grant. Co-applicant, 12.5MSEK.
IFAU Project Grant. The Impact of University Education: Causal Evidence from Four Decades of Applications. Principal Investigator, 1.5MSEK (152/2020).
Jan Wallander 3-year Postdoctoral Fellowship. (W18-0005) 1.7MSEK.
The Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation Program Grant “Bystander-Initiated CPR: Health Outcomes, Social Spillovers, and Efficient Coordination of Volunteers”. Principal Investigator (P19-0168), 1MSEK.
Skandiabanken Thule Foundation. Postdoctoral Scholarshi, 0.5MSEK.
Royal Academy Research Grant. Principal Investigator (SO2018-0065), 0.3MSEK.
Tom Hedelius Scholarship for research visit to Harvard University, 0.5MSEK.

Teaching Experience

2020, 2021
BSc thesis supervisor in Finance. Average score 7/7.
2014, 2015

Math Summer Camp, Ph.D.

Preparatory math class for arriving Ph.D. students in Economics and Finance. Average score 4.5/5.

2014, 2015

Teaching Assistant: Mathematics I, Ph.D.

Teaching Assistant for Prof. Jörgen Weibull. Introductory Mathematics for Ph.D. students in Economics and Finance. Real analysis, topology, optimization and set theory. Average score 4.5/5.


Teaching Assistant: Microeconomics, B.Sc.

Teaching Assistant for Professor Richard Friberg in introductory undergraduate Microeconomics. Not evaluated.

Referee Service (#)

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics (1), B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy (1), Economic Inquiry (1), Economic Journal (1), IFAU (1), International Journal for Re-Views in Empirical Economics (1), Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance (1), Journal of Economic Growth (2), Journal of Health Economics (1), Journal of Politics (2), Journal of Public Economics (2), Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics (4), PLOS One (2), Quarterly Journal of Economics (1), Social Forces (1), Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research (1), Scandinavian Journal of Economics (2).

Non-academic Qualifications


Founder and Member of the Board, Musethica Sweden

Musethica is an international nonprofit organization that promotes a new approach to teaching classical music, integrating concerts into the education program of young excellent artists. The students perform in kindergartens, prisons and immigrant housing. Musethica Sweden is funded by grants from Postkodlotteriet (500kSEK) and Signatur (375kSEK).


Spoken Languages

Swedish (native), English (fluent), French (limited), Polish (limited)

Computer Skills

Advanced user of PC, Mac, *nix, MS-Office, STATA, Adobe-suite. Programming in R, Python, SQL, LaTeX, Bash. Web Design in HTML, CSS, and SASS.